Sunday, September 20, 2009

Potty Training!

Yes, that's right. Potty training!

Eureka! Results!

Fiets ry / Cycling on the new Perth - Bunbury

Die nuwe snelweg tussen Perth en Bunbury het vandag oopgemaak. Voor die pad oopgestel is vir karre, het hulle fietsryers die geleentheid gegee om die pad te ry. Ons was natuurlik daar - Wes as fietsryer - ek en Bella as sy "support team". / The new freeway between Perth and Bunbury was opened today. Cyclists were given the opportunity to cycle the road before cars were allowed. We were there of course: Wes as a cyclist - Bella and I his support team.

Makeshift Sling!

Wat 'n handige deurknop! / What a handy door knob!!

From the inside!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dudu Bella Dudu!

Dudu Bella dudu!

Lights out!

Jacolien and Jessica

My vriendin Jacolien en haar dogtertjie Jessica wat 'n week jonger as Bella is. / My friend Jacolien and her baby girl Jessica who is a week younger than Bella.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pappa bak beskuit / Dad's baking rusks

Wes het nou opgegee om vir my te wag vir beskuit - hy spring toe sommer self in! / Wes has given up on waiting for me to bake rusks!!!

Ons gunsteling tydverdryf / Our favourite passtime

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gelukkige Vadersdag!!! / Happy Fathers Day!

Pa en al sy kinders! / Dad and all his kids!

Roadtrip na Kalbarri saam met pa / Roadtrip to Kalbarri with dad

Bella rek bietjie bene / Bella stretching her legs

Spot die heel mooiste blommetjie! / Spot the most beautiful flower!

'n Besoek van die Fourie's van NZ. / A visit from the Fourie's from NZ.

Iets van alles! / A bit of everything!

Ghiddy-yup horsey!!!

My maatjie, Mariska, wat oorkant die pad bly. / My friend Mariska who lives across the road.