Tannie Anneke het vir my hierdie baba stootwaentjie gekoop - hy het kilometers gedoen tydens ons vakansie / My aunt Anneke gave me this baby pram - I did kilometres walking it up and down.
Ek het vir Grace gehelp met die huiswerk en toe eet ons lekker middagete saam! / I helped Grace with all the work around the house and then we had a lovely lunch together!
Stoot vir nefie Zian in my pop stootwaentjie! / Pushing my cousin Zian in my doll pram!
Ek het my tannie Jomari se lipstick ontdek en ek weet dit kom iewers op mens se gesig! / I discovered my aunt Jomari's lipstick and I know that it goes somewhere on ones face!
My 1ste sjokolade - so dis hoe dit proe? Yum! / My 1st chocolate - so that's how it tastes? Yum!